Get the Facts About Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS).


The Global CCS Institute recently published three fact sheets regarding carbon capture and storage (CCS). For additional information about how the Kemper County energy facility, one of the US flagship CCS projects, will demonstrate the feasibility of this technology, see links to the fact sheets below:

  1. CCS/CCUS in the Americas (Published: April 16, 2015): This fact sheet from the Global CCS Institute describes the status of CCS projects, and the policy and regulatory environment in the Americas. CCS uses a suite of technologies that prevent large quantities of CO2 from being released into the atmosphere.
  2. What is CCS? (Published: May 7, 2015): The Global CCS Institute explains that CCS – carbon capture and storage – is a suite of technologies that prevents carbon dioxide emissions from entering the atmosphere.
  3. Capturing CO2 (Published: May 5, 2015): This fact sheet by the Global CCS Institute provides an overview of the different processes for capturing carbon dioxide emissions.

According to the Global CCS Institute, “There is a global need for significant financial investments to bring numerous commercial-scale demonstration projects online in the near future. This portfolio of projects will provide significant ‘learning by doing’ benefits which, along with continuing research, will contribute significantly to a lowering of costs for carbon capture.”

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